Bojana Bellamy

Bojana Bellamy


Senior business, legal, data policy leader and digital “diplomat”, recipient of 2019 Privacy Vanguard Award, with 25 years of experience and deep expertise in global data privacy law, compliance and policy. Working with global business and technology leaders, regulators, policy and law makers to shape global data policy and practice and develop thought leadership and best practices for responsible and trusted use of data in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Proven industry record in designing strategy, building and managing data privacy programs to support business digital transformation, sustainability and growth, leverage responsible use of data for data-driven innovation, maximize market differentiation and minimize legal and reputation risks for the enterprise.

Work with corporate leaders on developing effective accountability-based governance programs and addressing other information policy challenges for organizations in managing and protecting personal data in today’s information age. Work at the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) includes projects on accountable AI, building and implementing accountability programs and Corporate Digital Responsibility, cross-border data transfers, interoperability of conflicting national legal requirements, and smart regulation and regulatory oversight.

CIPL is a leading global privacy and data policy think and do tank CIPL has been successful in working with business leaders, regulatory authorities, and policy makers around the world to help frame the privacy and data policy agendas, and has active participation by more than 80 leading multinational corporations.